One In a Million Blessings

Friday, April 27, 2012

Cutest guy EVER!

We woke up today to find an email from Mary, our adoption coordinator at Beacon House. No news on a court date yet (we won't hear anything on that until after May 9th), but we did get this absolutely ADORABLE new picture of Elijah. He just got this new walker...I think he approves! 

I mean seriously, do they make them any cuter than this guy?!  

She told us that he is a FABULOUS sleeper, an excellent eater, and is REALLY close to figuring out the whole crawling thing. Go baby go!

That's enough to make any mama happy! Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Shannon, What a sweet little man. So wonderful to see all that has been happening through your blog! He just gets sweeter each time I see a new picture of him:). Praying, constantly until you bring him home! Love you dear friend!
